April 17, 2012

World Domination

     I am ashamed to say it.

     I didn't write yesterday.  I have no viable excuses like I went to the bank and a robber held us all hostage so I had to heroically talk him down, or a king cobra bit me so I had to be medivaced to the ER.  I regret not pushing myself, but today is a new day.
     Monday was not a total loss, however.  Late in the evening, I began reorganizing some things, and the first half of the book is looking how I want it to: tight, and beautiful and soul-jerking and awesome.  The second half, not so much.  I'm working on that though.  I jotted down some notes on a new scene that deals with a pivotal plot point, and I can throw in some homeless ideas along with it.  It will really help tie the ending fragments together.

     I want to save my energy for plotting to take over the world with words, so adieu for now.

     Maniacally laughing,


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