About Me

     I'm K. Janelle Brown.  I am a writer.  I'm eighteen, don't have a single published work or even a full manuscript finished yet, but that doesn't deter me.  I'll hopefully have a first draft completed soon, and someday, I'll have a printed novel in my hands that I'll get to sign.

     Below is one thing you need to know about me...

     Christ is my everything.  I want Him to be in every breath I take, every thought I contemplate, and every word I write.

     ...and four things you may or may not need to know.

     1.  I'm addicted to noveling.  This doesn't necessarily mean the actual process of writing.  Writing's hard, excruciating, but it's satisfying.  It brings to life the characters I imagine and the worlds I see in my mind.  Creating vivid realms and setting loose likable characters inside them: this is noveling.

     2.  I live everywhere and nowhere.

     3.  Bic pens and blank college-ruled notebook paper are a terrifying challenge.  But it's my favorite.

     4.  Three years ago, I fell into a vat of toxic waste and gained superpowers.  Still recovering from the side effects.


But whatever gain I had,
I counted as loss
for the sake of Christ.
Indeed, I count everything as loss
because of the surpassing worth
of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

Philippians 3:7&8 (ESV)

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