August 30, 2012

Peer-Editor-Agent Pressure

     I'm debating whether to make the blog public again.  (And I suppose if your reading this, I have gone through with it.  Or you're a hacker, and if that is the case, I really need to change my password.)
     Yet, the idea is absolutely terrifying, because if I do it won't be like last time.  If humor comes out, it won't be forced like it was before.  I'll most likely in a good mood that day.  And posting will probably be spastic at best.  (I meant 'spastic' to actually be 'sporadic' but I didn't know how to spell it. So, instead of searching for 'sporadic' the first time, I used spell check to come up with 'spastic' and decided to write this little note about my thought processes and writing laziness.)

     I don't want to write on this blog for others to read.  Though, if they do and like it that's great, but if they don't like it, then they don't have to read.  But I want to make this like a public diary, as if I were wearing my heart on my sleeve; therefore, I'm writing uncensored.  Don't worry, though, I don't write or talk profanely anyway.
     This blog shall be given a rating of G by the Motion Picture Association of America!  (Actually, they won't be rating this blog 'cause they don't rate blogs, but if they did! I'm sure I'd be given a G.)
     The point is I don't care about what people think about me and my work.  Well, I don't want to care, but I do.  It's a kind of stumbling block, or a mountain, I'm constantly fighting to climb over.  Why must the thought of what our peers are thinking press upon the heart so?  (There's a fancy question for you.  And admittedly, I just took a moment to look at that question and wonder how an outsider would read it.)
     Peer-editor-agent pressure greatly affected how I wrote.  It was about the same time that I made this bogie (I think that's how the British version of booger is spelled) hidden from the Internets that I realize this about myself.  I constantly edited as I wrote, thought of the broader spectrum, and whether I was getting everything in the scene correctly.  I've gotten better now, but I still have that urge to make everything perfect the first time.
     I'm running out words, so I might awkwardly end this post now.  Like, yeah.  Umm....  Yeah.

1 comment:

Hailey B said...

I think you are perfect the way you are- your humor and everything :) I love reading your blog and can;t wait to see more real you!
Love you!
Hailey <3