September 16, 2012


     As much as I love reading Writer's Digest, I have to be careful of how much I read.
     The magazine is full of wonderfully useful information.  My favorite bit is the "Writer's Workbook."  I always find the section very informative and it has really helped me with my writing.  But sometimes I can get overwhelmed.
     For instance, today I was reading about plot twists in the July/August 2012 issue.  I was working on some plotting things, and I needed to reference the article.  After finding what I needed, I flipped through the other pages.
     Big mistake.
     Just skimming through the articles, I started to feel lost and like I had no idea what I was doing, trying to write a book.  Too much information in too little time.  It felt as if my mind was squashed so I couldn't think properly.  I couldn't pull myself together to write again.  I felt sick to my stomach, and I didn't even want to write anymore.  That's when I decided to come write this post, work through things.
     It helps just to write out my thoughts.  I don't even know what I writing write now.  Oh wow.  Didn't see that mistake for a full five minutes.  And no, that was not intentional.
     I just need to calm down and remember that I'm writing my story for myself, not anyone else.  Of course I want to make it the best story I possibly can, making it believable and an entertaining story, but I don't want to do it to make others love the story.  I want to love it.  I want to write the perfect book for me.  And if others happen to love it as well....  In the words of Whitney Houston,  "And IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII will always love yooooooooooooou!"

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