"When I run, I feel His pleasure."
Eric Liddell, Chariots of Fire
As Eric Liddell felt when running, I feel when writing.
As I write, I'm filled with peace and a joy that my mind can't quite grasp. I've come to crave pleasing God. When I read a book or watch a movie or browse Pinterest instead of writing, I suffocate. I starve for Him to smile upon me. He doesn't love me any less, but I don't hear the whispers in my heart, saying "You are doing well. This is what I created you for."

Yet, despite the exhilaration of running, I am occasionally afraid to. I'm scared of not running well or fast or strong enough. I am afraid that I won't please Him, so I don't even try which is failure in itself.
The truth is I won't please Him all the time. I will fail to be enough. But, thanks be to God, His grace is more than enough. When I trip and slide to a halt, He will always lift me to my feet, brush me off, and set me running again. He does not scold me for failing. He uses the opportunity to show His love for me, though I do not deserve it.
Therefore, I will "run with endurance the race that is set before [me], looking to Jesus" (Hebrews 12:1-2). I will run because He loves me. To please Him, I will run.
At my mark,
1 comment:
Good words, friend. Ready, get set, go...straight into His hands. What a Lover we have. "He pursues, He woos, He cherishes..." the list goes on and on. Because His love is endless, it has no bottom, it has no top. It is abundant always.
Live Loved,
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