October 18, 2013

the Silence

To my reader,

     Some things can be done out of order.  For instance, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Some things cannot, like laundry, baking souffles, and shower routines.  Writing and building a platform are also in that category.

September 27, 2013

the River

To my reader,

     Creativity is a river.  Writing is my canoe, and the ocean is my book.  Without streams and springs feeding it, the river will dry up, and I will be left scraping my paddle against the flaking dirt.  Without creativity fueling my writing onward, I won't reach my destination: my ocean book.
     This is why I began to panic as my river dwindled to a trickle this past week.

September 20, 2013

the Appetizer

To my reader,

     I have only one card left.  I don't like playing it because I could grow lazy if it's too often used, but every other card has been pulled from my fingers.  Here's my hand:

     I'm not an Energizer bunny.

September 13, 2013

i will run

To my reader,

"When I run, I feel His pleasure."
Eric Liddell, Chariots of Fire

As Eric Liddell felt when running, I feel when writing.

September 6, 2013

People - Pleasing

To my reader,

     Have you ever fell in love with a book less than a page in?  I have.