April 26, 2013

the Lazy One

To me reader,

     As oi'm not particularly lively today, oi give ye this 'ere lazy post, in the speech of one of me favorite characters.  Oi canna think anything up t' write about, 'cept that oi read a book on Wednesday and wrote a review for it on Thursday.  If ye'd like to read it, ye can click on this 'ere link.  It'll take ye t' me Goodreads review.

Fair winds be with ye, me hearty,

April 19, 2013

the Shredding

To my reader,

     Never would I have thought I would rip a book to pieces.  Yet, on Wednesday the 17th, I found myself doing just that.

April 12, 2013

the Submission

To my reader,

     I am relieved.  But I feel like I should be dancing about the room with glee.  Or, at the very least, bouncing in my seat as I write this.  Yet, I can't be anything but composed and worn.
     Why should I be giddy?
     I sent out a story for publication.

April 5, 2013

Another's Mistake

To my reader,

     One of my favorite authors recently wrote a blog post saying she was disappointed that her fans didn't love this certain character of hers.