May 10, 2013

the Rejection

To my reader,

     Remember that Writer's Digest contest entry I was all relieved over? The one about a coconut, a mask, and a dictionary? (If you don't, I suppose you haven't read it or you have short-term memory loss. Either way, here's the letter where I wrote about it.)
     As the end of April drew near, the week when the finalists for the contest would be announced, I grew anxious again. When I looked at the forum on the 29th where the final five were listed, my heart sank.

     Five stories were posted for voting, and none of them bore the title of my own entry. My disappointment didn't stop me from reading the stories, though. One especially stood out to me.
     It's titled What's the Word. I don't know who it's by, as they don't give out the authors' names, but I do know that this one should be the victor. (If you'd like to read it, click here.)
     I was disappointed I didn't make it into the finals, but I'm not going to dwell on it. Rejection happens; it's a part of the writer's life. It's a part of any lifestyle.
     One of my favorite authors said if you're going to be a writer, get a thick skin.
     I disagree. If I have my armor up, then I can never learn from other people's points of view. What if an agent gives the reason why she said no in her rejection letter, but I won't admit my mistake? What if I overlook some story-changing advice that would make my book a bestseller, but miss it because I don't want to injure my pride? Therefore, I've resolved to not put on armor; I will grow humble.
     I see not making it to the finals as good for me. It doesn't feed my pride. If anything, it lessens it. There was a piece of me that said I would make it. That piece is gone now, along with some of my ego.
     I'm glad I didn't win. Rejection now will help me later.

This humbled writer,


Leslie Basil Payne said...

Real writers have a pile of rejection letters. :0)
Welcome to the club!
Your biggest fan.

Annie said...

I will say that if you go into something expecting the worst and you get the best it makes you all the more marvel at our Creator. Don't give up.

A@ said...

Janelle: you're in my prayers. If you ever have ANYTHING you need read/revised I'd be more than happy to do it! I hope your Airstream is working well...And I heard that you went to Creation Fest and the expectations you had were not met. That happens to me-you're not alone! I've tried so many things hoping that I'd find a friend...about all failed. But the most important thing is being content with the awesome friend we have in Christ.
This life is a struggle; but I wanted to share these lyrics with you:
"You break me to bond me. You hurt me, Lord to heal me. You cut me to touch me. You died to revive me."