July 26, 2013

Slow Down, Sister!

To my reader,

     If you are a frequenter of my blog, you have probably noticed my nearly three month long hiatus.  If not, welcome to my comeback!
     The reason for my absence has been a queer one.  I live in an Airstream trailer now, and it's taken these past seven weeks to become acclimated to it  and I'm still trying to get a routine down.  Mother and I thought we might go traveling this summer, but four days ago we realized it was taking too much time and too much energy to go running about.  Everything in us was focused on where to go, getting there, and making sure we had what we needed.  Other important things were pushed to the side.  Like writing.  Ultimately, we got the Airstream so we could get well, not to travel.
     Therefore, I write to you from a lovely shaded location in the heart of Pennsylvania.
     Don't get me wrong.  Traveling is good for writing.  To an extent.  The sights I see, the people I meet, the experiences I live are fuel for the imagination.  However, always running about isn't good for a task that requires a person to sit and think.  It takes rest to work.  I want to refuel my energy tank so I can wield the ideas in my inspiration tank; therefore, no more traveling this summer.
     We'll be staying in our beautiful shady grove through August, at least.  Hopefully I'll write many words in that timeframe.

     This resting writer,


Annie said...

Hope you can get your stories figured out and possibly even complete a first draft! (I'm always open to take a look at one if you even want.)
:) Rely on the Lord and He will sustain you and give you rest.

A@ said...

Recover fast and keep up the good stories! I'd love to read one sometime... -Cheers, Annie