September 5, 2012

That Crazy Thing Called Change

      As you've probably noticed, things around here have changed. Gone is the dark purple background. Here is the new, the light, and the welcoming! I think this coloring is easier to read, and it's not as foreboding. But it's still purple. It's gotta be purple.
      Also, I love the hummingbird over there. -->
      I thought it was time for a change in scenery, and I thought I should say something about it. Though now I think about it, it's really kind of redundant on my part. Oh well. I had fun redesigning it.
      I've also changed the title of the blog. "The Noveling Addict Files" was quite unoriginal, though I was happy about the fact that files are kept on addicts. But I feel that "Thoughts of a Teenage Novelist" better describes the feel of my writing. Really, these posts are more like journal entries than apathetic, objective records.
     I'll hopefully be updating on my writing soon.

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