September 27, 2013

the River

To my reader,

     Creativity is a river.  Writing is my canoe, and the ocean is my book.  Without streams and springs feeding it, the river will dry up, and I will be left scraping my paddle against the flaking dirt.  Without creativity fueling my writing onward, I won't reach my destination: my ocean book.
     This is why I began to panic as my river dwindled to a trickle this past week.

September 20, 2013

the Appetizer

To my reader,

     I have only one card left.  I don't like playing it because I could grow lazy if it's too often used, but every other card has been pulled from my fingers.  Here's my hand:

     I'm not an Energizer bunny.

September 13, 2013

i will run

To my reader,

"When I run, I feel His pleasure."
Eric Liddell, Chariots of Fire

As Eric Liddell felt when running, I feel when writing.

September 6, 2013

People - Pleasing

To my reader,

     Have you ever fell in love with a book less than a page in?  I have.