September 6, 2013

People - Pleasing

To my reader,

     Have you ever fell in love with a book less than a page in?  I have.
     The novel was beautifully written.  The rhythm was so unique.  The descriptions were enchanting.  The writer's style had such an impact on me, my own style has been influenced by it.
     Once I had written and posted its 5-star review, I saw the most liked review on Goodreads was only two stars.  Curiosity took hold of me.  I sought to discover why the reviewer didn't like it as much as I did.  My stomach twisted as I began to read.  The captivating metaphors and poetic voice were distasteful to her.
     I wondered if I was wrong about its wonderfulness, but then I remembered a very important fact.
     A writer can't please every reader.
     It's something I need to remember as I myself write.  I should strive to write the best book I can, but no book will be perfect in every reader's eyes.  Some people will love it; some will hate it.  Therefore, I won't write with a world of readers in mind.  I won't conform to a standard of what I think everyone wants.  I'll write what I want.
     I am not a people pleaser because no one can please everyone.

Finding my style,