September 20, 2013

the Appetizer

To my reader,

     I have only one card left.  I don't like playing it because I could grow lazy if it's too often used, but every other card has been pulled from my fingers.  Here's my hand:

     I'm not an Energizer bunny.

     I've been on the road for the past four days.  Some might think I could write while my mother drives, but I can barely focus on an audiobook let alone form one of my own.  Traveling charges some people; I, on the other hand, cannot keep going and going and going.
     While I'd love to give a tasteful post today, I don't have the energy.  Instead, I made this appetizer explaining why I didn't bring a main course to the dinner party.

On the road again,


@a said...

Hang in there, Janelle. Praying for you!!

Aunt Leslie said...

Even your words of "not writing" are so well written! Well done!

Janelle Brown said...

Thank ya kindly. =}