May 19, 2012

Emo Coaster

     Hey, hi, aloha, hello! So, no post in over a week: this is far from desirable.  I can't go back and change the past; thus, I'll say, "I'm overwhelmingly sorry!" and move on.

     I finished rewriting Chapter Three nine days ago, and I've been slowly working on Chapter Four.  I've been rather busy, hence no update, and the progress I'm making on Four is as slow to cross a road as a slug.  Thankfully, I've also written on and off snippets of other chapters as I feel the same emotions my protagonists do.

May 9, 2012

Random Thoughts Including Food

     It's been an eternal four days since my last post.  Goodness, I better not get blogger's apathy.

     I've gone through an entire notebook in less than a month!  Yellow Roses 2.0 (yes, I number my notebooks) is labeled "70 sheets" on the front, but that's not quite accurate because I've torn out a few pages here and there.  But 70-some pages filled top to bottom, front to back with my handwriting is pretty sweet, not to mention encouraging.  If I can go through a half-inch stack of lined paper, I'm sure I can write an entire book.

May 5, 2012

Hooks 'N Printers

     Printers are fickle machines.
     Two nights ago, I finished rewriting Chapter Two, and I began printing it off for my grandmother who my mom was going to see the next morning.  I turned on the printer, and hit the "Print" button on my computer.  In the middle of the eighth page, the printer stopped.  No warning, no jam, plenty of ink, it just stopped.

May 1, 2012

Five Books in One Week?

     I finished five books, beginning to end, in seven days.  How did this happen?  I'm not quite sure.  I have a theory that time stopped on Tuesday, but it's not very plausible.  But if you have a time machine, please leave your contact information in a comment below.