March 1, 2013

the Fix

To my reader,

     I have yet another confession to make. The reality of this addiction has slowly been growing on me, but only when I watched and re-watched The Bourne Legacy in the same night did I realize how serious it is.

     I am a plot twist junkie.
     I crave blindsides that take my breath away and send my heart racing.  I search for these twists in movies, books, and even in my own writing.
     I rented The Bourne Legacy from Redbox hoping it would have the outstanding plot of its predecessors.  I watched it two times, subconsciously hoping it would give me my fix, but it failed to provide the intense rush I desired.
     The first half of Legacy had all the indications of a thrilling story.  The second half, though tilting on the edge of my seat suspenseful, didn't keep the promises of the first hour.  [Spoiler Alert!]  It finished with a twenty-minute long chase scene that anti-climaxed with the pursuer crashing into a pole.
     Seriously?  Seriously?
     I felt so cheated.  I was cheated.
     In the beginning, the screen writers promised that things wouldn't be as they seemed, and then the story was exactly as it appeared to be.  You don't do that to your viewers or readers.  Ever.  It ticks them off.
     Despite the denial of my adrenaline fix, I still like the movie.
     It's one of the cleanest romances I've seen in modern Hollywood.  There's no sex, no passionate kissing, not even a quick peck.  There's only "I am here to support and protect you no matter what."
     The second time through, I realized a twist about their romance that gave me a slight adrenaline rush (though it was nothing compared to what I was looking for).
     [Spoiler Alert!]  Aaron, our assassin protagonist, is in love with Marta from the start.  I gasped when it dawned upon me.  The whole time I had thought that both are growing to love each other, but no.  Only Marta grows to love him.  Though still learning to love her better, Aaron is already there.
     I'm sighing from the whimsical sensation in my heart, but it seems I still have yet to find my next adrenaline fix.  I suppose it's time to go searching.

This plot adrenaline junkie,


Anonymous said...

For me, I can't stand the sappy romance movies where the basic plot line is as follows: hot girl meets hot guy and dumps jerky boyfriend/fiance/husband to follow her heart. I think I've seen at least 4 movies like this and it drives me insane. Much better to stick with Jane Austen, Jimmy Stewart, and Audrey Hepburn. But I digress ;)

Janelle Brown said...

I totally agree! Even movies where the protagonist looks like he/she is going to end up with another woman/man, but chooses his/her wife/husband in the end make me uncomfortable. Too on the edge in my opinion. The Bourne Legacy wasn't like that, though. it was really an action film, so there were no competing romantic interests. Therefore, I still like it. But yes! I'd much rather read Jane Austen than see another cliche Hollywood romance. =)

Anonymous said...

Ooh, maybe I should watch it, it sounds neat! My mom and I are going to see Les Mis tomorrow night. I've only listened to the Broadway soundtrack, so I'm nervous about being disappointed. Have you seen it?

Janelle Brown said...

Despite liking the movie, I don't recommend it. There are better movies. But I don't discourage seeing it either. =)

Yes! I have seen Les Mis! It's an absolutely wonderful movie. I'd love to see it again even though I've already seen it twice. Let me tell you, though. Once you see it, you'll never be able to listen to the broadway version again. Broadway doesn't have the same level of emotion the movie does, and any other version of I Dreamed a Dream pales in comparison to Anne Hathaway's heartbreaking rendition of it. You have been warned. lol