April 19, 2012

Going Mental

     Goodness, goodness.  What to write about?

     Oh yeah, did I mention I finished Chapter Four yesterday?  No, I don't think I did.  Well, now you know!

     Before I went to sleep last night, my mind was a plate of spaghetti thinking about reorganizing scenes.  So, I pulled out my iPod and wrote down a note that looked something like this, "Replace that flashback with this one, move that to Chapter This and move that scene to this yet-to-be-determined chapter."  The more I think about all I have to organize and flesh out, the less sanity wants to hold my hand.
     I'm going to rework Chapter Two today, mainly because it's more like a bunch of facts rather than a scene at the moment.  The third also needs a lot of editing.  So much work, so little time.  And in hopes to not sound like I'm complaining, I say, "Yes!  I'm writing my book, and no one can stop me! Mwahahaha!"

     Yellow Roses is my priority right now but that isn't keeping me from thinking about my other ideas from time to time.  A freakishly amazing plot is forming in my mind for a deep fantasy book.  If in reality the plot's not spectacular, someone please send me to a mental institution because I've gone mad.  Thank you.

     Seeing creatures that don't exist,


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