April 9, 2012

War on Procrastination

     As Horton would say when he realizes the Whos can't hear him because of their tiny ears, "Hello!"
     It is good to be documenting this journey.  I have the feeling it may keep me from straying too far from the daily noveling path.
      Before I continue, I have two explanations for I Am A Robot: short and long.  Read which ever you like, or both, or none at all, whatever is your choosing.

     Short:  It was a test run. 
     Long:  When I was designing the blog, I needed to see what the body and title text of a post looked like so I could adjust it if necessary.  I was most likely bored and tired at the time; thus, the silly side of me emerged.  P.S. Robots have no humor; therefore, I'm not a robot.

     There.  I may continue with my life.
     The question I most often receive is, "What's your book about?"  So, I will answer this before it can be asked.
     The book I am currently working on is Yellow Roses.  It's a love story with supernatural and redemptive elements. That is all I can say at this point.  I am working on some other side projects as well that may rise in priority once the manuscript for YR is done.
     For the past couple of weeks, I've been very rebellious about writing.  Other factors probably contributed to my obstinate behavior, but I primarily haven't written because I've been procrastinating. Procrastination's such a stubborn parasite. Once it's latched on, it's very difficult to shake it off.  But I am as just determined as the filthy vermin and will yank it off me one way or another.
     I have a secondary method for ridding myself of procrastination.  As well as blogging every day (or week), I plan on sending a chapter once a week to my amazing grandmother.  She mentioned several times that if I ever want to share a bit of my writing with her, she'd be more than ecstatic to read it.  I don't want to disappoint her, and the deadline will keep me on my toes.
     I have the first chapter written, and after this post I will be working on the second.  Later tonight I might post an update on my progress.

     Until then, my fellow anti-procrastination warriors, I take up my sword and shield (or pencil and paper for those of you without an imagination).


Update 04/10/12: To those of you who know my grandmother, please don't tell her about sending her the chapters.  It's a surprise!  Thank you!

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