April 16, 2012


     I'm groggy again.  Not because of mind deadness but because I'm functioning on five hours of sleep.  Somehow, I got wired at one o'clock this morning and didn't get remotely sleepy till about five.  It's beyond me how I woke up naturally at ten-thirty, but somehow I got myself standing instead of burrowing under the covers and hiding from the world.
     Sleep deprivation is not very nice, but one good thing did come from my inexplicable energy.

     I was mulling over a scene and creating new dialogue when I thought to interview my protagonist Ellissa.  I wanted to find out exactly why it is that she's so upset about another thing a character does.  The speed of my hand picked up, and at this pivotal moment for her, I realized, "Woah.  I am going through the exact same emotions with this guy I once liked."  I don't know which came first, my broken heart or hers, but I sure of this: when I wrote "When I saw him again, I wanted to cry in relief, scream at him, run into his arms, and sob in pain," it wasn't Ellissa talking.
     I've often asked God why He would let my heart be broken.  I think I know part of the answer now.  Me knowing what she is going through, makes her a stronger character.  I can write with understanding and feeling, making my writing more compelling as well.  It all combines for a better book and a stronger me.

     On different high-pitched squeal of a note, I have some exciting news.  Yesterday, I ordered two books at only five bucks a pop.  $10 for two new books!  Now, that's stealing, but I'm a bargain hunter so I'm just gonna shrug it off.
     And the waiting game begins.  I'll probably be checking Amazon every hour to see if they've shipped yet.  Hmmm, I should probably go do that now.

     I've set my daily writing goal: eight pages a day.  It will push me to write more than I would if I was only inspired but won't have me begging for a raincheck.

     Ready to jump into my second week,


1 comment:

Leslie Basil Payne said...

"God wastes no experience."
It's true for our lives, and true for our writing lives. Isn't that cool?