April 15, 2012

Sunday Break

     It has been one long week.  Time has gone by like watching grass grow.  I've written twenty-six pages and typed all that into the computer, finishing three chapters.

     Yes, I am done the first three chapters of Yellow Roses.

     The only reason I'm not exactly "Woo-hoo!" today, is that, right now, I can barely keep my eyes open.  I've been awake for a good while, but last night I really pushed myself to finish Chapter One.  It paid off, and I'm happy I can say I did it.  Six days of straight writing takes its toll, though, and I'll definitely be sitting loose today.
     My brain is telling me at this moment, "If you do anything that takes creative energy, I will die on you."  I'm listening, so I won't be doing any hard-core creative prose.  Maybe some simple editing, or reading through what I've already written, but nothing that takes more than a drop of brain power.
     Breaks are good, but the novelist in me will be back tomorrow, pencil buried in my notebook again.

     Ending for sanity's sake,


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